Apr 7, 2024
Hello this is my first thread so sorry if its messy!

I have an Asus Z11PA-U12. I've been running this board for about 2 years now. The CPU is an Intel Xeon Gold 6130. The OS is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I built the server myself which includes accidentally ordering and installing a heat-sync radiator that is too big for the case. The heat-sync fans are running in what I call a spit roast configuration which means both fans are forcing air in and out the sides of the radiator. Additionally I run the server in my basement which never exceeds 25C even in the summer months.

All of this information is what led me to being very confused when I discovered the sensor monitor screen in the bios said the CPU was at a constant value of 100C. I have spent about an hour searching through various forums looking for other instances of my problem, but it seems that everybody is stuck on the notion of being toxic or simply assuming there is a plastic cover sandwiched between the cpu and head-sync. I believe my specific issue is unique and worth some genuine consideration. The reason I never noticed this temp issue until recently is because I have always been looking at the OS CPU temp which fluctuates around 26C mostly because the CPU is idle 95% of the time.

I strongly believe that I have an issue with the hardware cpu temp due to the fact that a constant value of 100C is an artificial fail-safe value that a motherboard will use when something is wrong with the raw float value from the temperature senor. However, my knowledge in this topic is very little. I just know that a constant temperature float value is rare if not physically impossible given the circumstance and the laws of thermodynamics. I'm totally open for discussion about the possibility of my knowledge being not as sharp as it used to be. I appreciate anyone who can pitch in some knowledge about this topic.

So I have 2 objectives for this post.
1# I want to make sure that my understanding of my problem is correct. as in I want to make sure I am not completely out of my mind lol.
2# I am seeking advise from the community for my particular issue and possibly for other people who have the same or similar problem.

I'll post terminal screenshots below once I figure out how to upload an image...
Apr 7, 2024
This is the cpu temp from the bios. This image is from the onboard remote management chip cause I can't get a nice screenshot of the actual bios.

This is the os cpu temp.

and this is some cpu usage info from the top command.