Leave the build alone, drop Windows, install linux (free).
If you can install windows from scratch then you can probably handle the installation of Linux Mint, Manjaro, or SolydXK all very easily (all have point-n-click GUI installers and drive setup, come with all the non-free stuff for media compatibility, and have auto-detection and GUI installation of video hardware drivers).
The IOMMU controller on the UD3P can cause some issues with earlier linux kernels. If you have Ethernet or USB problems, try turning the IOMMU controller on or off, then, after you get the system installed, configure "iommu=soft" mode, update-grub, then reboot and disable the hardware IOMMU. (Edit /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="iommu=soft" , then run sudo update-grub).