[SOLVED] How do I get rid of chrome.exe extra box in the volume OSD?


Dec 4, 2015
For the past couple days when watching youtube videos or after I open Google Chrome and a website like youtube that produces sound, the volume OSD (over screen display) will have another box to the right which has controls for stopping and playing the video or skipping to the next/previous video. I tweeted a picture of the box I am referring to...

View: https://twitter.com/TacitoBurito/status/1136391641357529093

I don't know how to get rid of this box without getting rid of the volume OSD altogether... Any suggestions?
hello guys
i want to hide this window, it's appeared after updating to the last version of chrome, so when i control the volume, the window show up


@chouiyekh This is the same thing that happened to me. I don't know why it decided to show up but if you want a fix then download a program called Volume2. It allows you to change the look of the volume OSD and that extra window/box goes away, but you will have to deal with having a different style of the volume over screen display or a smaller one if you choose the Windows 10 v3 one.