I'm troubleshooting a failure to boot. My system has been working fine for months. I booted into Windows recently, shut down my computer, then turned it on again only to find it getting stuck in a cycle.
The cycle:
The ezdebug CPU LED flashes on and off while the PSU clicks.
The ezdebug DRAM LED flashes on and off.
The ezdebug VGA LED lights up and stays lit for a bit. It turns off when the next step occurs.
The ezdebug CPU flashes on and sort of "fades" off while the PSU makes another click.
The BIOS screen never shows up. The cycle repeats.
I've referenced the user manual for my mobo online, but the documentation on the ezdebug functionality is just one sentence per LED. To me, it seems like what's being indicated is a CPU problem, but I'm not entirely sure.
If it is a CPU problem, I suppose there are three solutions: get a new CPU, get a new PSU CPU cable, get a new mobo.
Some other things I've tried:
Disconnecting all the drives from the mobo and PSU.
Swapping my GPU for an older one I had on hand.
Using a different PSU with its own cables (but I'm not sure that the old one even works, it's been off and disconnected for a while). Nothing seemed to power on when I tried this.
Removing the CPU fan and CPU and putting it back in. Nothing seems to be bent or broken.
Disconnecting each RAM chip.
PSU: Coolermaster V850
CPU: Intel i5-13400F, probably too much thermal paste but I don't think I had any heat issues
Typical GPU: RTX 3090
Current GPU: Some flavor of Gigabyte 1060
I alternated between Linux and Windows and frequently changed the boot order because GRUB wasn't handling it.
The cycle:
The ezdebug CPU LED flashes on and off while the PSU clicks.
The ezdebug DRAM LED flashes on and off.
The ezdebug VGA LED lights up and stays lit for a bit. It turns off when the next step occurs.
The ezdebug CPU flashes on and sort of "fades" off while the PSU makes another click.
The BIOS screen never shows up. The cycle repeats.
I've referenced the user manual for my mobo online, but the documentation on the ezdebug functionality is just one sentence per LED. To me, it seems like what's being indicated is a CPU problem, but I'm not entirely sure.
If it is a CPU problem, I suppose there are three solutions: get a new CPU, get a new PSU CPU cable, get a new mobo.
Some other things I've tried:
Disconnecting all the drives from the mobo and PSU.
Swapping my GPU for an older one I had on hand.
Using a different PSU with its own cables (but I'm not sure that the old one even works, it's been off and disconnected for a while). Nothing seemed to power on when I tried this.
Removing the CPU fan and CPU and putting it back in. Nothing seems to be bent or broken.
Disconnecting each RAM chip.
PSU: Coolermaster V850
CPU: Intel i5-13400F, probably too much thermal paste but I don't think I had any heat issues
Typical GPU: RTX 3090
Current GPU: Some flavor of Gigabyte 1060
I alternated between Linux and Windows and frequently changed the boot order because GRUB wasn't handling it.