My old Windows 98 PC - built around 2001 - has some files on it which I would like to put on my current PC - built in 2006.
- The old one has USB ports but it doesn't have any drivers for flash drives.
- I tried using a CD-RW but it wouldn't recognise it.
- It doesn't have an internet connection. I tried connecting my Ethernet cable to it but it still wouldn't connect to the internet.
- It has a floppy drive but my current PC doesn't.
- My current PC has a SATA II HDD whereas the old one has an IDE HDD so I don't think I can interchange the HDDs.
So does anyone have any ideas as to how I can transfer my files?
My old Windows 98 PC - built around 2001 - has some files on it which I would like to put on my current PC - built in 2006.
- The old one has USB ports but it doesn't have any drivers for flash drives.
- I tried using a CD-RW but it wouldn't recognise it.
- It doesn't have an internet connection. I tried connecting my Ethernet cable to it but it still wouldn't connect to the internet.
- It has a floppy drive but my current PC doesn't.
- My current PC has a SATA II HDD whereas the old one has an IDE HDD so I don't think I can interchange the HDDs.
So does anyone have any ideas as to how I can transfer my files?