How do i move to the top of a document? control + home doesn't work

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May 4, 2017
I have a new Dell laptop. The keyboard commands Control + Home and Control + End don't work to take me to the beginning or end of a document. Any suggestions?
Depending on your laptop, your Home/End key may be triggered by the FN key. This is especially if you don't have a full keyboard. The FN key is basically used when one key has two functions and what's highlighted in blue (usually) is triggered only using the FN key. It would really help if we had the model of the laptop.

EDIT: Looks like I was a bit slow this morning, I need my coffee.
Thanks to both who kindly replied. I tried using FN + Home and FN + End without success, but this made me think that perhaps the FN key would work with the more usual Control + Home or Control + End combination. So I pressed FN + Control + Home and it worked! Thank you very much - I wouldn't have thought of using the FN key if you hadn't mentioned it.

Yes, the FN "makes up" for not having a full keyboard, but you have the functionaility of it. If you see blue text on any of your keys, it's mostly triggered by the FN key.

Ah! In that case, do you think that the FN will help me to get some sort of replacement for the number keys that appear on the right of a desktop keyboard? I use a lot of accented letters (I'm a translator) and usually insert them by pressing ALT + a number code to give me, say "é" or "ã". How would that work with this limited keyboard? (There is no blue on my keyboard, by the way, or any colour other than white).
I use a desktop at home, but the laptop is for when I'm travelling, so it wouldn't be very convenient to have another keyboard while I'm on the move, but in fact I work for weeks at a time abroad, and it would be an advantage then to have another keyboard. I'll enquire about it at my computer shop - thanks, good idea!
Thank you for this. I'm not familiar with the AltGr key - I've often wondered what the "Gr" means - and usually use the Alt key on the LH side. However, I think on this new laptop I'll have to involve the FN key in order to use the normal numbers along the top of the keyboard, in the absence of the numbers on the right side of the keyboard.
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