How do I reinstall XP?


Jan 7, 2006
I know this is the wrong forum for this question, but I havent gotten an answer on the Sftware forum.

Id like to do a clean install of XP on the family computer. Its an older p3 933mhz 512meg system and its been running slow even after i did all the usual virus, spyware, reg, defrag scans..etc Alot fo people have said I should do a fresh install of XPand it will help alot. The question is,, how do I go about doing this?? Do I need to format my HD first?? How do I do that?? I have a XP pro disk so I rewally just need to know how to wipe the HD clean before I install it.
Back up any data you want.

Put the disk in your CD rom drive.
Restart your PC.
Make sure your CD Rom drive is set to the first bootable device (press del to enter the BIOS)
If everything is set up in the right boot order the PC will, instead of loading windows, boot to the CD.
From there you just follow the on screen instructions.
You'll want to delete your C: partition and format a new C: (all done from with in the set up) -<That's the hardest part for newbies

Then you can sit back and enjoy.
Ok thanks. Another quick question, is what can I do to keep windows running at its best?? I will be using the following

EZtrust antivirus
Spybot search and destroy

Is there anything ekse i should use that will keep it running at its peak?? I need software that use very little system resources since its such an old system. Ive found EZtrust antivirus to be far better than Norton which seems to really slow the computer down.

Ok I tried to reinstall XP and it says Setup cannot continue because the version of Win on the computer is newer than the one on the disk. The Disk is an older SP1 version and ive upgrade the computer to SP2. Now what??
It sounds like you need to go into your bios and set the CD-ROM to boot first. Then restart the computer with your Windows CD in the drive. You should get a message that says "Press enter to boot from CD" or something like that. Then you're good to go.
I am about to format and was going to ask a similar question.

First some advice, install windows, then service packs, then direct x, then all other drivers, and only then everything else. Feel free to delete all windows firewall software as required.

Is CClean able to clean and defrag your registry? If not get a reg cleaner and then everytime you remove something ruyn this, it will keep your computer running nicely for longer, eventually it will degrade though. Takes about 2 months if you are not too careful.

Now for my questions, any advice on getting windows running better i usually:

Turn of visual themes
Adjust virtual memory
Turn off error reports
Strangle sticky keys etc.
Remove automatic updates
Turn off microsoft 'firewall'
delete alg.exe
IMO most files in the system 32 folder should not exist.
Check for anything suspicious in process list
Install antivirus
Install adaware.
Turn of stuff in msconfig.
Pray that i need not do this again.

Any other tips are welcome.
Personally, I have an hardware firewall - That's it. No antivirus and no antispyware, my computing is running fine with non of either for months. Use common sence and you should never get either.

Use Firefox. Don't accept .exe files of anykind unless they are from a credible source.