Question How do i remove my BIOS password from my HP Probook 650 G2 laptop?

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Mar 4, 2017
Hello everyone, so first of all my English is not that good so i hope you understand what i say. Let me tell you what happened, 2 months ago my dad found this laptop in the streets in Germany, he took it home booted it, took pictures and everything was fine but it had a Windows password (in the login screen). He sent it to Greece (where i'm writing this) and i booted up the laptop and it had 2 Windows accounts (they had a password in both of the accounts ofc). I was like "let's go to the BIOS to check what are the exact specs and check what settings it has" and i saw that it had an Administrative BIOS Password and i was like "crap i didn't expect that it would have a BIOS password, and there is NO WAY to remove the password myself". I also typed 3 times the password wrong and it didn't give me the 5-6 digit code. I tried removing the Windows login password from CMD but these guys enabled BitLocker on the C: drive and there was NO way to remove the BitLocker from the C: drive, and i had to fresh reinstall Windows 10. Everything was working fine after the fresh installation of Windows 10 and i thought reinstalling fresh Windows 10 would remove the BIOS password but it didn't. I have literally done EVERYTHING to remove the BIOS password but no luck. I tried contacting HP to give me the SMC.bin file but they don't send these anymore. I removed the CMOS Battery but it didn't work. I saw in a website and someone said that "HP ProBooks save the BIOS Passwords in a non-volatile chip, or it could be stored in the EEPROM chip" and again i was like "crap, what do i do now?" the only thing i haven't done is to find the EEPROM chip and remove the BIOS Password from there (with something metallic i think?). I don't want to do that because i'm afraid that i could find the wrong chip and destroy the laptop. My last hope is to send it to my nearest tech shop (not HP's because they won't help me i know it) and they could do that for me unless one of you tell me a way to remove the BIOS Password. Sorry if this description was big but i wanted to tell as much as possible. If no one has an answer to help me remove the BIOS Password, then i may take the laptop to my nearest Tech Shop. Thanks for reading (If you ask "why i didn't post a thread in the HP Community?" I did but the HP Expert told me that they have a rule where they cannot help others with removing unknown passwords, so i had to come here)
i would call HP support and ask them. nobody will help you bypass security.
Sorry but did you even read the whole thread? Because i don't think you did and if you read it i said they can't give me the SMC.bin file nor can help me with the removal of the BIOS Password, also if you read at the end i say that they can't help people remove unknown passwords. I have literally contacted multiple times and still nothing
We also have rules about helping with passwords

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