Question How do i setup my paper tray to print legal copies on my samsung ML 2950 laser printer?


Jul 22, 2013
This printer been perfect for me over 10 years and i know how to handle paper jam as an example. Recently i though t i had a paper jam and this time I could not find any paper caught in a jam, and yet each time i try to make a single print it gives me the red signal. I looked at my paper tray and noticed that the regular size paper had a sligh curl at the front end. Usually the paper lies 100% flat with no curl. I have never noticed this before and yet i have no idea on how elongate the tray to accomadate it and also if that is the cause of my problem. So i asked how would i fit a legal size paper if i intend to do so in the future. I usually use the normal size 100%. There is a 3rd party site that would allow me to download the manual for my printer. but i cannot see downloading a 230 page manual for my problem so i denied. Btw, With the paper absent from the tray i noticed a flexable part in the very front of that tray and do not know its purpose. I did have the habit of slamming that tray after loading it to set it up.
For future reference ...... you dont need to download or print a massive manual.
Go to the page you want and use windows snipping tool and draw round the area you want.
Just in case it comes out too small for you to read use copy in the edit tab and then paste in into word where you can then stretch the box to make the printing bigger.

I use the snipping tool a lot on web pages and just get the bits i want , many years ago you could increase the size of the print on screen AND then print would also print it that size. I may be wrong but i believe that the reason this no longer works is because adverts and banners etc are tied to margins
Go to this online site

and just view there. You CAN download if needed. Look at p. 29 in this manual. Note that the paper tray has TWO adjustment items at the back. Item 2 is the LENGTH guide and it slides back further for long paper. Item 1 is to make a fine adjustment of the position of this back stop.
Unfortunately my vision has gotten lower and all i can see by t hat page are 'x' and "0" , but no text what to look for. ..disappointing indeed. HP will help if i create an account so they can bug mr with offers and notifications.
OK, maybe I can describe. Pull the paper tray out of the printer at the front. Look at the back of the tray right in the middle. There is a plastic piece sticking up that is the stop for the back edge of the stack of paper. That piece can be pushed back further about three inches to allow you to put 14-inch legal paper in the tray. When you're done, it can just slide forward again.

From the diagram, it appears that part of that sliding stop piece is a tab on its right-hand side you use to free a small part that can be slid forward or back a short distance, and that is how you make a fine adjustment for the length of the paper you put into the tray. For the problem you describe (curl at the front), move that little piece back one notch or more to let the entire pile of paper move more to the back so that the front if the pile just sits flat.
If you had wanted text, then the faq from HP I linked to had more than the usual cryptic symbols usually printed on a sticker or worse, molded into the plastic of the tray and barely visible. You do realize that Tom's forum appends redirects to advertising trackers in links so you may have to copy and paste to avoid your adblocker blocking it, right?

If you had wanted text, then the faq from HP I linked to had more than the usual cryptic symbols usually printed on a sticker or worse, molded into the plastic of the tray and barely visible. You do realize that Tom's forum appends redirects to advertising trackers in links so you may have to copy and paste to avoid your adblocker blocking it, right?

Thank you i couldn't have asked for a better discription.
If you had wanted text, then the faq from HP I linked to had more than the usual cryptic symbols usually printed on a sticker or worse, molded into the plastic of the tray and barely visible. You do realize that Tom's forum appends redirects to advertising trackers in links so you may have to copy and paste to avoid your adblocker blocking it, right?

can you give me the link to that faq? I am using win 7, if that makes a difference?