How do i switch from interlaced to progressive?


Apr 23, 2015
Hi guys, im using a s24d300 samsung monitor, a msi r9 290, windows 10, amd catalyst version 15.7.1 and drivers 15.20.1062.1004-150803a1-187674C. How do i switch from interlaced to progressive? my monitor looks awful thanks to this, and i cant find an option to switch it in windows or catalyst.

Has it been in 1080p before?

What cable do you have hooked up to the monitor from the PC?

From what I can tell you need HDMI

per specs
"Watch full 1080P video with HDMI"
I'm not sure what you meant at the end with

per specs
"Watch full 1080P video with HDMI"

I am using HDMI

I just recently started gaming on pc, and this is what it defaulted to, it looks horrible and is really annoying me.