[SOLVED] How do I take off my cooler master heat sink?


Dec 28, 2017
So I have had this PC that my father built for at least 3 years, but over the past year or so I have been getting insanely high cpu usage (100% in every game) and in general the computer has been quite slow. About 6 months ago I purchased some thermal paste just to see whether that would fix my problems but I realised I couldn't actually get my heat sink off of my cpu. It is a cooler master heat sink (apologies I cannot recall the actual model) and I read somewhere else that I need a right angled screwdriver or something to take it off. Any suggestions on how else I could do this?


GPU: GTX 1070
CPU: i5-6600k
Mobo: Z170M plus
RAM: DDR4 2133 MHz
PSU: Gold standard PSU (I can't remember the model but its fine I think)
I'll also add that my cpu is so bad right now that it goes up when I wiggle my mouse from one side of the screen to the other by at least 20%. When I am on google it is on around 50%....
Depends on particular cooler but with most you need to unscrew 4 screws holding to to MB, wiggle it left to right to break seal and than you should be able to gently take it off.
I'll also add that my cpu is so bad right now that it goes up when I wiggle my mouse from one side of the screen to the other by at least 20%. When I am on google it is on around 50%....
I'll also add that my cpu is so bad right now that it goes up when I wiggle my mouse from one side of the screen to the other by at least 20%. When I am on google it is on around 50%....
Depends on particular cooler but with most you need to unscrew 4 screws holding to to MB, wiggle it left to right to break seal and than you should be able to gently take it off.