How do I update my Award BIOS?

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Dec 31, 2016
Hello community!
I have a BIOS from "Award Software Inc."
and I need to update it since its from 2012 and I got myself a new CPU! (amd FX-8370).
but the site doesnt exist anymore. where do I find my BIOS update? can anyone help me?
My current BIOS is The Award BIOS Version F4
You need to find your motherboards name and go to the companys website for that motherboard. There they will have a few bios updates plus way to update your bios. Award bios version f4 could be any of a thousand motherboards. You have to find the exact one. If you post your motherboard I can help find your bios update.

yes I have tried that but dude, the thing is... my motherboards manufactur company doesnt exist anymore. Award International Inc. is merged with Phoenix, and Phoenix only shows me some sort of scam program to download to update my BIOS. 100% a scam it also asks me to pay!


Here is my motherboard information. Im confused how to use this information to update my BIOS

Do I just go here, and download the latest file?
Okay wait. I found my Board on the Gigabyte website, and it seems that I have the latest BIOS version. F4.
but thats bad.. its from 2012 and it causes my system to only identify 4 and not 8 cores. what do I do??

Thanks but the problem is, my CPU has 8 cores and Windows 10 only uses 4 cores and 4 threads. not 8?
what do I do ?

what? sorry I dont understand what you mean and your link is not working

Im using FX8370 so thats all fine.
my problem is. task manager is showing its only using 3 cores and 4 logical processors! It should be 8 cores atleast!
should I reinstall windows? because I upgraded my old CPU to this CPU and it doesnt work properly.
when I reinstall windows, can I keep all my files but let this update?

no. his says 4 cores and 8 logicals.
mine says 3 cores, 4 logicals. complete bs.

problem solved. reinstalled windows
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