G gharty Reputable Apr 14, 2014 2 0 4,510 Apr 14, 2014 #1 I had to hit the reset button on my router and use the password on the back but don't know how to make it password protected again
I had to hit the reset button on my router and use the password on the back but don't know how to make it password protected again
Solution P P proge101 Apr 17, 2014 You should be able to log into www.routerlogin.net and change it from there. If there isn't a password or username set then the default should be Username: Admin Password: password
You should be able to log into www.routerlogin.net and change it from there. If there isn't a password or username set then the default should be Username: Admin Password: password
jrmurph3 Honorable May 5, 2012 252 0 10,810 Apr 14, 2014 #2 Which password? The admin password or the wireless password? Upvote 0 Downvote
P proge101 Reputable Apr 7, 2014 50 0 4,660 Apr 17, 2014 Solution #3 You should be able to log into www.routerlogin.net and change it from there. If there isn't a password or username set then the default should be Username: Admin Password: password Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
You should be able to log into www.routerlogin.net and change it from there. If there isn't a password or username set then the default should be Username: Admin Password: password