M mattbar Distinguished Jul 9, 2014 121 1 18,715 Jun 15, 2017 #1 Self titled question. If I remember correctly there is a command which has the information. ipconfig netsh I don't remember and I'm not seeing it in ipconfig. How do you see the values of the automatically assigned metrics ?
Self titled question. If I remember correctly there is a command which has the information. ipconfig netsh I don't remember and I'm not seeing it in ipconfig. How do you see the values of the automatically assigned metrics ?
M mattbar Distinguished Jul 9, 2014 121 1 18,715 Jun 15, 2017 #2 netstat -rn | more finally found it. paste that in command line now I just need to know how to mark this as answered Reactions: tml3nr
netstat -rn | more finally found it. paste that in command line now I just need to know how to mark this as answered