How do you decommission a dead secondary domain controller.

John 62

Oct 26, 2010
A few months ago we had a Windows 2000 domain controller on our network that died. It was a secondary domain controller used as a file server. Instead of fixing it and restoring it we replaced it with another old windows 2000 server that had been decommissioned as a primary domain controller and set aside. We reformatted it, reloaded windows, renamed it and brought it up to use in place of the one that died. From what I can determine the server that died was not decommissioned properly with DCPROMO before the roles it held were transferred. The DNS event viewer on the primary domain controller displays many DNS ERROR messages. How do I go back now a decommision this server after it is dead?

the primary domain controller is Windows 2003 - the secondary controller windows 2000

We are getting the following DNS errors
The DNS server has encountered a critical error from the active directory. Check that the active directory is functioning properly. The extended error debug information (which may be empty) is “000020E3: svcerr: DSIP 031B063D, problem 5002 (unavailable), data 0”. the event data contains the error