How do you install a SSD in Hp Pro 3500 MT?


Mar 6, 2017
Hi I have seen that my computer is capable of using an SSD but I am confused because the way you install a hard drive is by screwing it on the metal and it is not a slide in bay could someone explain how I can install the SSD?

The hard drive is screwed in the inside does the adapter actually work in this case scenario?

please look at picture to see what I am talking about.

The handy piece of aluminum (linked below) will help. It allows you to screw the SSD into the it and the outer edges are just as wide as a traditional HDD.

The laptop HDD below is the same width as an SSD. The tray is as wide as a traditional desktop HDD and will mount just fine to your chassis.

If you need to install the SSD in a hurry and don't want to wait for your order to arrive, you can plug in the SSD and it'll work just fine not being screwed in. SSDs do not have spinning disks in them, so they don't produce any vibration. These drives don't really care whether they're properly mounted or not, but I recommend mounting it properly so it can't slip off its connectors if you happen to man-handle the case while moving it.

Why do you need a fan?

One of the major advantages of an SSD (other than the speed) is that it doesn't produce vibration because there are no moving parts. A fan adds vibration and may get loud. I don't recommend this mounting adapter.
the 3.5 to 2.5 brackets I'd been using in other systems wouldn't mount in this HP 3500 series but i was able to mount an SSD without a bracket to the same spot the original HD was installed. You just have to turn it on it's side. Here are some pics. Hope this helps someone.

