How do you play adventure games?


Aug 3, 2012
Here I use the term "Adventure" very loosely, I mean games like GTA, Assassins Creed, Just Cause, Saints Row, etc. Any game thats in the 3rd person (Not third person shooters necessarily.). So I'm getting a gaming PC in the coming months, and I was just wondering how you guys play these types of games: Mouse and keyboard, or with a controller? I played just cause on my friends PC, and navigating with mouse and keyboard was really tough for me, I just hope Im not the only person like this. Ive only started playing games with mouse and keyboard last week, and I pretty much suck at it. so that leads me to a few questions, Is it normal for me to want to play 3rd person games with a remote? How long does it take to get used to mouse and keyboard? And is my experience playing games going to be worse if I dont use mouse and keyboard?
Mouse and keyboard all the way for me!! It takes some getting used to if you normally use a controller but its far superior once you get the hang of it!!

I went the other way round to you, I have nearly always played games on PC but got a PS3 some time ago and it took me ages to get to grips with the controller! Im now pretty good with the controller, but it doesnt compare to the mouse/keyboard combo!
Depends on the game and if the game is PC-native. PC-native games tend to have convoluted control schemes that don't translate well to controller. If it's a game that appears on console, I'll almost always use a controller. When a game is PC-native but the controls translate well to controller, I'll use the controller. This goes for all third person "adventure" style games for me.
Its normal. All my friends have trouble with PC Gaming. (Well, apart from the ones that are fellow PC gamers.) You will get used to it soon enough.

I generally prefer mouse and keyboard, except in racing games. The controller let's you control your steering better as with a PC its either left or right, but with controller you can push the stick as far as you want, and the car will turn accordingly. FPS games are definitely better with a mouse and keyboard though.
I have a friend I introduced to PC gaming the other day and he had almost never used a mouse before and after around 20 minutes he was getting the hang of it but I think it will take a bit more usage until he is better using it than a control pad but It shouldn't take long. Note if the mouse or its surface are bad then its much harder and turning the sensitivity down for a bit will help you get used to it.

Hi, Angelone! ^-^

No, you are not the only one like this at all! LOL

I was very slow to get as good as I am right now, but like Simon12 said, if you adjust your sensitivity to your liking
( just for practice ) you should get the hang of it real soon, also, make sure you are playing a game that you really like, so you will feel better about sticking with it. PC games are really fun and there are a lot out there and in just about every genre you can think of!.


Nothing is more funny then watching a PC gamer try to use a console controller for the first time! ^O^;

Take care!,

RadioLight ^-^


You can watch some youtube videos on how you can play PC games with a console controller ( I have no idea if that will work on all games or all PCs though ) And I don't think you will be missing out on anything if you play with a controller, I figure if you are having fun, that's all that matters, but I do urge you to stick with the mouse and kyeboard for awhile. Just so you know which one you like more.

Bye-Bye, and have fun! ^-^