Im about to upgrade cases and am deciding between the enthoo pro and pro m acrylic. I like the open style and look of the pro m acrylic but want the pwm hub from the pro. I was wondering how a pwm hub works. Say I have 1 front panel intake fan and 2 radiator fans on the top and my cpu fan, could they ALL be plugged into the hub, and the hub would go.....? To the cpu 4 pin on my mobo? Would I then be able to use a software to control all of them individually? If not could I still control and monitor my cpu fan while the rest are run at the same percentage? Is there a technique to run the fans quieter manually? How do "curves" work to lower rpm? Because with my current setup I tried to configure bios and use software on the case fans and cpu fan but they always end up going back to 100%. I don't really know what I'm doing