how fast is 1gbps internet?


Dec 12, 2014
ok so is 1gbps equal to 100mbps, just like if i had 100mbps from my isp it would get a actual download speed of 10mbps? or is the for example google fiber 1gbps actually 1gbps transfer speed

yeah i was giving rough estimates. someone told me that google fiber 1gbps was actually 1gbps(gigabyte) tahts why why i asked

Well it would appear that the person that told you that it was 1GBps is wrong. You'd need a 10Gbps connection to have ~1GBps speeds.

yeah thats what i was thinking . i just wanted to confirm my thoughts. thanks for the reply
The main issue you have is the server you download from may not have as fast a connection as you or in most cases it is artificially limited. Even if a server had say 10g of bandwidth 10 users with gig could block it from everyone else so you tend to see artificial limits placed on download speeds to keep people high speed connection from hogging it all and making people with slower connections even slower.