[SOLVED] How Fast of a Connection do I need for Gaming?

Jan 24, 2019
My wife is on the computer a lot (browsing via wireless) when I am gaming (Ethernet connection). We have a 6 meg internet package (speedtest shows to 5.41 down and .86 upload speed ping 11). When I game ping usually shows about 50 on the servers.
When I am on by myself Gaming is fine but when we are both on its not worth playing.

We have another option to buy a 20 Meg package but I want to be sure it will be worth it and help when we are both on the internet? Will 20 Meg make a difference when we are both on the internet?
Is not only speed but a stable internet connection with low ping and latency to the hosting servers.
The recommended is 512 kbps or faster.
I suggest suggest you have minimum 2Mbps available at all times while playing to avoid lag or slow downs.
That will be hard to accomplish with 5.5Mbps down, since you might not be able to control the other user.

Is not only speed but a stable internet connection with low ping and latency to the hosting servers.
The recommended is 512 kbps or faster.
I suggest suggest you have minimum 2Mbps available at all times while playing to avoid lag or slow downs.
That will be hard to accomplish with 5.5Mbps down, since you might not be able to control the other user.

Thanks no 4k yet!
I just talked to the ISP and they said there is a
20mbps- 1 upload option and also a
10mbps with 1 upload.
I"d rather pay for the 10-1 package do you think that will be plenty?