My wife is on the computer a lot (browsing via wireless) when I am gaming (Ethernet connection). We have a 6 meg internet package (speedtest shows to 5.41 down and .86 upload speed ping 11). When I game ping usually shows about 50 on the servers.
When I am on by myself Gaming is fine but when we are both on its not worth playing.
We have another option to buy a 20 Meg package but I want to be sure it will be worth it and help when we are both on the internet? Will 20 Meg make a difference when we are both on the internet?
When I am on by myself Gaming is fine but when we are both on its not worth playing.
We have another option to buy a 20 Meg package but I want to be sure it will be worth it and help when we are both on the internet? Will 20 Meg make a difference when we are both on the internet?