[SOLVED] How future proof will be this setup and will it be bottlenecked?

Oct 27, 2020
Hi guys,

I am a casual gamer looking to play just some games like the on just playable setting not aiming for the ultra-high settings.

I am in need of some wisdom from you guys to decide what should I buy?

A gtx 1660 super 6gb or a 1650 super 4gb combined with a i7-4770 (non K) and 16GB of RAM. I can't upgrade my CPU so I need to choose between those two but I am concerned that if I buy a 1660 super it will bottleneck my CPU (or will it? I seriously don't know and just looked on a bottleneck calculator website or how sever will it be) but I REALLY like the idea of having Extra V-RAM then 1650 super with which I know it won't bottleneck but will the 4GB of V-RAM will be sufficient enough to some play AAA games (Mostly games like resident evil games, Rockstar's current, and future games whenever they come and Microsoft flight simulator 2020) or how long will it be able to play games on low or medium setting in the future?

So what do you guys think what should I go for so that for the next 5 or 6 year (exaggerating the amount of time here a bit) and again please keep that in mind I am seriously not concerned with playing games on its highest setting or anything I just want to have it on a playable setting keeping that in mind which option will be best for me and I have 450w thermaltake PSU don't know it's rating?
Hi guys,

I am a casual gamer looking to play just some games like the on just playable setting not aiming for the ultra-high settings.

I am in need of some wisdom from you guys to decide what should I buy?

A gtx 1660 super 6gb or a 1650 super 4gb combined with a i7-4770 (non K) and 16GB of RAM. I can't upgrade my CPU so I need to choose between those two but I am concerned that if I buy a 1660 super it will bottleneck my CPU (or will it? I seriously don't know and just looked on a bottleneck calculator website or how sever will it be) but I REALLY like the idea of having Extra V-RAM then 1650 super with which I know it won't bottleneck but will the 4GB of V-RAM will be sufficient enough to some play AAA games (Mostly games...
1660 super should still do just fine with your CPU. power consumption wise 1660 super will only consume a bit more.


btw what is your gaming resolution?
Hi guys,

I am a casual gamer looking to play just some games like the on just playable setting not aiming for the ultra-high settings.

I am in need of some wisdom from you guys to decide what should I buy?

A gtx 1660 super 6gb or a 1650 super 4gb combined with a i7-4770 (non K) and 16GB of RAM. I can't upgrade my CPU so I need to choose between those two but I am concerned that if I buy a 1660 super it will bottleneck my CPU (or will it? I seriously don't know and just looked on a bottleneck calculator website or how sever will it be) but I REALLY like the idea of having Extra V-RAM then 1650 super with which I know it won't bottleneck but will the 4GB of V-RAM will be sufficient enough to some play AAA games (Mostly games like resident evil games, Rockstar's current, and future games whenever they come and Microsoft flight simulator 2020) or how long will it be able to play games on low or medium setting in the future?

So what do you guys think what should I go for so that for the next 5 or 6 year (exaggerating the amount of time here a bit) and again please keep that in mind I am seriously not concerned with playing games on its highest setting or anything I just want to have it on a playable setting keeping that in mind which option will be best for me and I have 450w thermaltake PSU don't know it's rating?
Yes 1660 super will last you long as it will have more processing power and vram, bottlenecking depends on game resolution, texture details and vary from game to game , Yes in that 5-6 exaggerating time you will be stuck by your cpu. I'm hoping that your psu has the pci power cable and as your psu is old swapping it won't be a bad idea you will have more stability and efficiency especially as you are not even aware about its rating.
Hi guys,

I am a casual gamer looking to play just some games like the on just playable setting not aiming for the ultra-high settings.

I am in need of some wisdom from you guys to decide what should I buy?

A gtx 1660 super 6gb or a 1650 super 4gb combined with a i7-4770 (non K) and 16GB of RAM. I can't upgrade my CPU so I need to choose between those two but I am concerned that if I buy a 1660 super it will bottleneck my CPU (or will it? I seriously don't know and just looked on a bottleneck calculator website or how sever will it be) but I REALLY like the idea of having Extra V-RAM then 1650 super with which I know it won't bottleneck but will the 4GB of V-RAM will be sufficient enough to some play AAA games (Mostly games like resident evil games, Rockstar's current, and future games whenever they come and Microsoft flight simulator 2020) or how long will it be able to play games on low or medium setting in the future?

So what do you guys think what should I go for so that for the next 5 or 6 year (exaggerating the amount of time here a bit) and again please keep that in mind I am seriously not concerned with playing games on its highest setting or anything I just want to have it on a playable setting keeping that in mind which option will be best for me and I have 450w thermaltake PSU don't know it's rating?

A 1660 Super is by far the best choice for you.

The way a game is designed under the hood and the frame rate you are targeting have a much higher influence on whether you are CPU bottlenecked then the difference in power between your CPU and GPU. Let me give you a few examples of things you could do to CPU bottleneck yourself:

Example #1 - If you play Resident Evil 2 with v-sync off at 720p or some other super-low resolution, your GPU won't have much work to do, but your CPU will because its rendering so many frames per second. This will cause you to CPU bottleneck.

Example #2 - Playing MSFS 2020 (or any inherently CPU-intensive game) at anything other then the lowest settings. MSFS, by its very nature, is incredibly hard on the CPU, so just running a game of this type at all with your 4 core / 8 thread CPU will result in a CPU bottleneck regardless of what GPU you are using (which means your decision between a 1650 super or a 1660 super makes no difference in this situation).

In most other situations, you will not have a CPU bottleneck. Keep your resolution at 1080p, limit your frames per second to 60, keep game settings related to LODs and draw distances low, keep your expectations about upcoming games realistic, and you should be good for the next little while.
A 1660 Super is by far the best choice for you.

The way a game is designed under the hood and the frame rate you are targeting have a much higher influence on whether you are CPU bottlenecked then the difference in power between your CPU and GPU. Let me give you a few examples of things you could do to CPU bottleneck yourself:

Example #1 - If you play Resident Evil 2 with v-sync off at 720p or some other super-low resolution, your GPU won't have much work to do, but your CPU will because its rendering so many frames per second. This will cause you to CPU bottleneck.

Example #2 - Playing MSFS 2020 (or any inherently CPU-intensive game) at anything other then the lowest settings. MSFS, by its very nature, is incredibly hard on the CPU, so just running a game of this type at all with your 4 core / 8 thread CPU will result in a CPU bottleneck regardless of what GPU you are using (which means your decision between a 1650 super or a 1660 super makes no difference in this situation).

In most other situations, you will not have a CPU bottleneck. Keep your resolution at 1080p, limit your frames per second to 60, keep game settings related to LODs and draw distances low, keep your expectations about upcoming games realistic, and you should be good for the next little while.
So basically you are saying it that, it bottleneck no matter what unless i keep it at 1080p and have it locked at 60 FPS and keep my LOD and draw distances at low settings right?