I just don't understand why he is so full of himself. After all, he would be a nobody if it weren't an already celebrity to watch his Youtube video. He's a <duckling> ugly hunch back haha
Beebs gets arrested and looks like a hungover worn out Miley Cyrus.
He is a waste of humanity.
That's kinda harsh Marv, He's just a kid, pretty successful one at that, I've never heard any of his music but apparently he's sold quite a bit of it, so a waste of humanity?
He's old enough where he's established his own personality. Unfortunately, there are probably few people that can corral him in now. Put him in the general population of the prison population, and that tough appearance that he tries to put on will crumble. He needs to be taken down several pegs, and that is probably the only thing that will do it.