how good an over clock is 5ghz on air for the 8320-E cpu with a 970 aura board


Mar 17, 2017
I have a 8320-e clocked at 5ghz 1.55v and don't know if it is possible to push it further with a better cooler.
I have a be quiet pure rock slim cooler. 970 aura gaming mother board a gtx 1060 430 watt evga psu.

I dont know board temps but the CPU sits at 20c idle and 70-80c under full load on cinabench.

5ghz is all you could ever expect to get out of an FX-8320e, they are actually top binned CPUs. If you can keep the temps down there is no reason you can't do it safely. Just not with your current cooling solution. Also I wouldn't keep pushing that EVGA 430w...
This is not an answer this is the guy asking the question. It was not stable at 5ghz but it did last long enough to bench mark and it looks to be temp restricting it (I have it set to not throttle but crash so I can find when it would have throttled. It than sets the crash info into a folder.) I basically want to know if its safe to push harder on water or maybe even a peltiar solution. It is stable at 4.5 full load it sits at 60-70c Also how do I respond to an answer.

5ghz is all you could ever expect to get out of an FX-8320e, they are actually top binned CPUs. If you can keep the temps down there is no reason you can't do it safely. Just not with your current cooling solution. Also I wouldn't keep pushing that EVGA 430w, that PSU is NOT made to handle the load of overclocking, and FX CPUs tend to hammer PSUs at high frequencies like that.