Hey guys. Considering that I can't wait for Pascal microarchitecture, I'm gonna go for GT80 titan with 980m sli. How long do you guys think it would last me maxing out most games to high/ultra? (I can downscale from 1080p to 720p for that)
Check the Techpowerup Unigine Heaven thread, someone's already posted a 980M SLI result,
it's pretty good (2359 @ stock, 2848 when oc'd). See pages 33 and 34:
Check the Techpowerup Unigine Heaven thread, someone's already posted a 980M SLI result,
it's pretty good (2359 @ stock, 2848 when oc'd). See pages 33 and 34:
That's hard to say. Who knows where games, etc. are heading? Likewise the demands
of users. By that I mean, do you think you'll want to move up to 4K gaming within that
time frame? If you don't go over 1080p then yes it should be fine for that length of time
I would have thought.
No way over 1080p @mapesdhs. Infact if things don't seem to work out, I can prefer downscaling to 720p in future for better performance at high settings
Indeed, I had no idea that chip was available in a laptop, I thought it was a mistake at first.
Have to say though, I'd feel hellishly nervous travelling anywhere with a laptop like that. Erm,
any company sell them complete with burly bodyguards? 😀