How good is a ATI 4670 for gaming?


Sep 11, 2009
Hi guys, I'm thinking about buying a computer which comes with a ATI 4670 1gb DDR3 GPU. Just wanted to know, how good would this be for gaming?

The rest of the specs would be:

Intel Core i5-750 processor 2.66GHz 8MB L3 Cahce, Turboboost up to 3.20GHz
4gb ddr3 ram

So how good would this card be for playing games like World of Warcraft and Crysis on high settings? Cheers.
It depends on your resolution really. What size of screen are you going to be gaming on? I don't have a 4670, but I've got a 9600gt myself, which when you look at benchmarks and what not, the 4670 and 9600gt trade punches, but the 9600gt may be like 1/2 a step ahead in some things.

If you are playing on lower resolutions like say maybe on a 19 inch or 20 inch monitor, you should be ok. I think it will actually perform well for you. My 9600gt runs pretty much everything I want it to. Keep in mind too, your video card will be the slowest part of your new computer.

In all seriousness, I'm running an Athlon x2 5200+, so quite a bit slower than your i5, and 2 gb of ddr2 memory. With a 9600gt, my rig still gives decent performance on most titles. I imagine you will get great performance but you just may have turn down some details and turn off AA on some games. The 4670 is a good card, it's the cheapest gamer card I would reccomend, but if you are playing lower resolutions, and with the rest of the components being as strong as they are, I think you will be happy. And you can always upgrade later. It will probably do ok on WOW, but don't expect a lot on crysis, it should run ok, but you'll probably have to turn some things down, but keep in mind that game can leave even the best systems gasping for air.
Yes it really does depend on what resolution you want to play at, with a spec like that i would look to put a 4770 with it as a minimum but the 4670 is a decent card in its own right at lower resolutions.
Let us know what games you want to play at what sort of detail/quality settings and resolution and we can advise as to if the card is capable or not

Mactronix :)
You might be ok now, but in half a year? I don't think so, no matter what resolution. If you can, wait till 22sept. and buy 5870/5850, they should be hell better. if you have to buy it now, and have cash, then 4890 or 4850.
@imogen: The system listed should run all the games mentioned very well at a typical 19" resolution, apart from Crysis where the card will struggle at the higher settings.
I would suggest you take a close look at the PSU this system is provided with, most prebuilts have weak units that greatly limit future expansion.
While the 4670 is fine for now, you might want to improve the system specs now, rather than go through an upgrade in just a few months time. Something like the HD4850/4770 or GTS250/9800GTX/GTX+ would give the system more longevity.
@ apache
Here you go again :pfff: So are you seriously going to tell someone who has a 24" 1920 x 1200 native resolution screen that they will be fine with a low end card ??? :non:
Its basic maths higher resolution =more pixels = more GPU power needed to run the games properly at native res. Or do you recomend getting a weak card and running your nice big screen at 800x600 ??
Sure there are some older games that will run well on lower spec-ed cards but its very much more stupid to buy a GPU based on a few games than overall performance.

@ imogen here are some performance figure for the 4670 running crysis, it covers both a standard 4670 and the His IceQ version.

If you look at the differant charts it should be clear why those of us who actually read your post properly and know what we are talking about asked what your Res was, the performance drop at higher Res and detail settings would make the game unplayable.

Mactronix :)

omg! i think i made a mistake when i bought a 48701gb and now gtx260-216 because i know i'd buy a 1080p lcd afterwards. silly me, i made heavy resolution considerations when i bought my card. what i shouldve done instead was skip the lcd upgrade and get stuck with my 19" 'er and bought a gtx295 that way i'd be more future proof and had my e-peen grow 10x bigger (only my IQ would be 20x smaller).

to the TS:

if you want to enjoy crysis, better get something like a 4770. or a 4870 512mb if you can still find one. but the only caveat is that we're near the release of the next gens. so to be smart, hold on to that 4670 that will come with your rig and go on a spending spree once the 5800s hit the market. i mean that i5-750 of yours is ludicrously fast. and we all know LCD panels get cheaper once we get to the holiday season so a 24" (or in this case another 2 19" lcd panels) would be a good upgrade path.

i envy those who'll get the i5's

@ imogen,
coozie makes a very good point about the PSU its no good getting what you have now and finding out its not good enough and then find that you need a PSU upgrade before you can get a better card.
I very strongly agree with the idea of getting it right now, that way the whole thing is under warranty and you wont need to worry about upgrading in the near future. If you can only afford a better PSU now and then you can upgrade the card later it would make life so much easier for you.


To apache, just because a card can run an old game at high res does not mean it's capable of doing the same with newer games. It may run the new game at high res, but not well. Remember on newer titles, they are capable of coding more details and more graphical improvements into the games than they were before, which means even at low resolution, a graphics card that ran doom very well will have problems with say crysis.
Hey guys, thanks for all the replies. But i went ahead and got another set-up which offered 6gb Ram, i7-920 processor and a larger 23" monitor all for $100 more.

It came with a Nvidia Geforce GT230 1.5gb card. May i instead know how good this card is for the aforementioned games? Did a google search, didn't turn up much. Please help!
The GT230 is the same as the 9600gt as google tells me.

Which means its only very slightly faster than the 4670. You'll be able to play all those games on your 23" monitor, but not at high settings. WoW and Sims3 should be able to run at fairly high settings, CoD4 should be good on medium settings, and crysis on lower settings.
Well to be perfectly honest you would have been better off spending the extra on making sure the PSU was a decent brand and getting a better graphics card.
You have basically ended up with a more powerfull system with a monitor that will require more GPU power to run it but with a very similar GPU.
