How good is my PC?


Jul 10, 2013
Ive had this PC for about 3 weeks. I just wanna know what your guys opinions about it are..
Specs :
FX 8320 @ 4.2GHZ
Gigabyte 970A-UD3P
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 770 2GB
8GB of G.SKILL Ripjaws X 1600MHZ
1TB Seagate HDD
Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64-bit

I may add an SSD in the future as my only upgrade until I really need new hardware..
Not a bad PC by anyones standards. I wouldn't trust a Seagate HDD though. They have higher failure rates.

Other than that your good for a few years.

Yeah, when it comes to HDDs you either get a winner or a looser. I've had terrible luck with Seagates in the past, but I also had some good ones too. Also WD hadn't faired out much better. But as the article shows, Seagates tend to have higher failure rates. So I'd just switch to a Caviar Blue or a Hitachi... I don't have any experience with Hitachi though so can't help you on that.
A mechanical drive is a mechanical drive... you can only hope for so much with a piece on hardware spins that fast with such small tolerances, that being said my company has 1000 machines and every one of them have Seagate drives in them, i also have Seagate storage drives in my personal rigs, and i have had only one unit fail and that was due to improper handling on my part.... and if you are going to quote something at least find something form a reputable company like AnandTech or Tech Power Up...ect.

Yes this is going to give you hours of enjoyment, but what are you using for a power supply?