How Google’s AlphaGo AGI Could Soon Beat The World’s Best Go Player

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Finally, my son's (in the PhD program for Comp Sci at Brown) boast about how even the best computer AIs cannot win against a human GO player is now toast, heh.
It is NORMAL a super computer (which learned from many players/masters) to able to beat one single human mind.
what exactly is go?

never heard of it....... the top pic looks like an old game called othello i used to play a long time ago. guess i got to do some reading to see what this game is they are trying to play with ai.
AI will be amazing at first. Put it in strategy games etc. Then it will probably be a bit scary what it's capable of. Then we all know what comes next.....

I personally would like to welcome our new AI overlords. I'm good at convincing others and would be great as a negotiator to bring the resistance into line.

you need a yes man? i've seen these movies and they never turn out good for the humans. i'll be happy to help you get the squishy flesh covered vermin in order as well if it gets me a bit of consideration from our new machine overlords.....
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