[SOLVED] How I fixed fps drops on my AMD CPU

Feb 19, 2019
So lately my cpu has been having multiple fps drops and i hated it. So i went on the internet to find a solution and i found one. Hopefully it helps you aswell.

Step 1- Download Amd Overdrive
Step 2- Get it set up
Step 3- Find Clock/Voltage
Step 4- Click turbo control (in the bottom left somewhere)
Step 5- Disable Turbo Core

There you go its that easy.

Before 200-300 with drops to 60
After 200-300 with drops to 120

Before 30-40 all the time
After Stable 60 fps, probably could go above

Rocket League
Before 60 fps with highest settings
After 120 fps with highest settings, probably could go above

Gta V
Before 60 fps down to 20 fps, unplayable
After 60-120 fps constantly on highest settings

Rainbow Six Siege
Before 40-60 fps on medium/low settings
After 60-120 fps on highest settings

FYI: If you go into bios and turn of turbo core then you wont need to disable it in Amd Overdrive all the time but thats uo to you.

Hope it helps you

My info

Steam: gay
Email: 1511aidenc@gmail.com

Post your results below

My Specs:
Cpu Amd Fx 8350
Gpu Radeon Rx 570
Ram 8gb
Psu Be Quiet
And i dont know what HDD i have
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You should have probably named your thread "How I fixed fps drops on my AMD CPU". Not all AMD cpu's have this issue, I certainly don't. Somewhat bad form to paint all AMD cpu's with that brush.

Also, I fail to see how disabling cores will help performance in the long run.
It's much better/safer to OC thru BIOS.
You probably wont believe me but i have no clue how oc works and disabling turbo core has improved performance and its easier. Im pretty sure turbo core is kinda like overclocking but it disables cores that arent needed and overclocks the ones that are needed and clearly for me anyway decreased performance. For example Csgo only needs lets say 2 cores (idk) and i have 8 cores, it disables the 6 cores and overclocks 2 that are needed and so it heats up the cpu and decreases performance. I would like to hear your thoughts on it though
Well, for starters AOD is software and is subject to system failures that can leave you stranded if something goes wrong.
For proper OC, you need to enter BIOS, find multiplier setting, set it higher and also set CPU voltage somewhat higher, You can use settings from obtained from AOD. That way it will always run at that frequency.
Well, for starters AOD is software and is subject to system failures that can leave you stranded if something goes wrong.
For proper OC, you need to enter BIOS, find multiplier setting, set it higher and also set CPU voltage somewhat higher, You can use settings from obtained from AOD. That way it will always run at that frequency.
Yes but didabling turbo core isnt dangerous. Its literally just stopping the cpu from using 2 cores when it can use 8. It also helps temperatures stay low
And im not Overclocking, im basically stopping overclocking. Basically when the cpu goes past its ghz cap it drops fps to get below it. And since turbo core was overclocking 2 cores instead of having all 8 cores working it was dropping frames. Im not talking about overclocking at all.
You should have probably named your thread "How I fixed fps drops on my AMD CPU". Not all AMD cpu's have this issue, I certainly don't. Somewhat bad form to paint all AMD cpu's with that brush.

Also, I fail to see how disabling cores will help performance in the long run.