How is a review comment necroposting?


Aug 24, 2019
I read a review from 2020 on Tom's Hardware, that is still relevant since the product is still sold, and it had a link to where I could post a comment, and I did. Then a while later I got the message that my comment was deleted and "Please don't necro post".

Necroposting means posting in a thread that is old and no longer relevant, and the participants presumed to have forgotten about it and moved on, so posting in a dead topic is seen as unhelpful and clogging up the forum. But this was for a review and a product that is still very much relevant.

The forum tips says:
Check the date of the last post in a thread before replying. If the most recent post is more than 3 months old, create a new thread on the same topic. You can link to the previous thread as reference, but we want to avoid “necro” posts that attempt to resuscitate old threads.

It wasn't a normal thread, but a review for a current product. Creating a new thread to comment on it, with a link to the review, would have been pointless. It wouldn't have been seen by those who read the review, looking for information and thoughts about the product.

It would have been different if a member had asked a question long ago, and someone suddenly jumps in to post an answer in the thread, by then probably not relevant anymore.

As a forum admin myself, I don't see how a comment on a relevant review would count as a stupid necropost.

Care to explain?
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