Question How is this Possible? Wiped the same drive twice in 6 months by accident.


Jan 11, 2018
How is my luck this f'ing bad. Fat fingered in diskpart about 6 months and cleaned the wrong drive.

Just now, Disk Management, figured I can't fat finger a GUI, had a drive selected I wanted to format. Made sure it was the right one. Refreshed just to make sure.

Format, low and behold GD Windows.. screen flashes, format begins and it's not only the wrong drive but the same one as last time.

I'm about to just snap this stupid Nvme in half with how unlucky it's been. NEVER in over 30 years of computing have I deleted the wrong disk or drive.

Going to Bed Depressed


Jan 11, 2018
If the drive has not been overwritten, you could try recovery software for a start. Cheers
I did. Been up until now trying different methods making sure nothing like TRIM would interfere or write to it in the meantime. Can't take it out because of course it's in the slot under the 4090 so I can't get to it. So removing the drive letter was another precaution. Anyway. Nothing worked. It found some of the structure, none of the files. I think it was mostly games so now I'll let me ISP wonder why I downloaded 2TB in less than a day not accounting for the streaming.**

Ironically and in forgot to mention this, the drive that was supposed to be formatted was to back up the one that got erased.

**Angry rant because I'm tired and need to get to bed before getting up in 30 seconds for work. Crapcasts data cap is 1.2TB for the MONTH in some states. Glad i don't use them. That's BS and should be illegal.
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