How long do closed loop coolers last?


Jan 6, 2014
Yes, AIOs leak. Also, custom loops leak. Did you also know that cars can EXPLODE?!

It can happen, doesn't mean it will happen. Although the assessment of the pump is fairly accurate as the ones used in AIOs are pretty cheap. It will die eventually (whether in 2 years or 10 depends on various factors), but until then you get decent cooling.
It's a great cooler performance-wise, there's practically no chance that it will leak (provided you treat it nicely, which basically means not cutting the tubing or pulling the tubes like a madman), and the pumps last for years (mine have been working almost non-stop for the past 6 years, not a single problem). There are many closed liquid cooling kits for CPUs, GPUs and even more exotic parts, you can imagine they are a safe option, otherwise no one would risk using them 😉
Yes, AIOs leak. Also, custom loops leak. Did you also know that cars can EXPLODE?!

It can happen, doesn't mean it will happen. Although the assessment of the pump is fairly accurate as the ones used in AIOs are pretty cheap. It will die eventually (whether in 2 years or 10 depends on various factors), but until then you get decent cooling.
if it makes you feel better, i o had that concern, i just bought a Nice Pre-Build, it has the Closed Looped WaterCooling.So i got a hold of Customer support, with SkyTech, asked if i have too change the water, cuz i know next to nothing on how to do that, they said don't have to change it, they Last about 5-Years, and also depends on how well you take care of your PC, treat it good and t will give you no problems, keep it in good Maintenance, just like a car. Try not to mess with the Looped watercooler, only i Emergency. But you know from Wt people who sold me the My Gaming PC, they said 5 years, i would to be safe in 2--3 years, by then i am sure you saved up for a new one. Also if your not going to be using the PC, for a while like an hour, just power it down. You know some people like leaving their systems on just running for hours, that's a NO, NO just to keep your coolant healthy and your PC as well.