man i can't even recall all teh things i did with AOL disk LOL.
i did the microwave light show thing(with a MW that was dying itself)
i'e used disk to level off a uneven table like some one else mentioned , i used them as drink coasters, Dog Frisby's (not my best idea , once the dog actually caught it and it cut his mouth a little), i used them as car decorations , computer decorations christmas tree ornaments. pretty much did every thing i could with them . and i even used afew to install AOL back when games could still play good or ok on 56k. though i was never as young as some of you were LOL , (i was in high school at the height of AOL disk mails). lol my mom use to gripe at me when i used them for all teh odd thigns i did , it never occured to hear that AOl would likely be sendign us another disk in a week or two LOL