Couple of issues with those older AMD's. For a basic 1080p/60Hz system, they aren't bad, but 1) age. They are old comparatively. 2) power hog toe warmers. Can't think of a single R version that actually ran cool'n'quiet, you could use any of them as a space heater during gaming sessions. 3) favorite mining cards. While it's true that real farms used these cards exclusively, at lowered voltages to save on power costs and maximize psus, they also ran full tilt 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for who knows how long. At that age, probably quite long usage.
So fans are problematic, age of components and general wear and tear and things like capacitor degradation have put a serious put a dent in pricing. You can't guarantee that the card was not used for mining, the buyer can only take your word. And he doesn't trust to begin with (please, it's eBay).
So yeah, even £50 is a stretch. Especially when the competition is a used gtx970/980/1060 that didn't see mining use.