How much of a difference is there between Dx11 and Dx10.1


Sep 24, 2009
I have a 4770 and want to upgrade. Want to buy a card once for the next two years and then will probably crossfire it. Have a budget of Ati 4870.
Or could wait for a while and go for the 5870.
Q)How good is Dx 11 and what it would be its effect on games coming out in the next 3-4 years.

well....what can one say about that..
u see the diff b/w 9 and 10
so i guess we can keep our fingers crossed till 11..
hope it turns out to be sumthin good !
theres a dozen reviews on 10 and 11 go check out the pics, google is your friend
ive posted some stuff about dx11 games with pics and vids under the games menu
And every one of those 50 can be changed to DX11 quite easily also, besides the 9 for sure ones.
One thing to remember here is, in a years time, therell be almost no games with DX10 ONLY support
edit, thatll be coming out a year from now