Question How safe are PCs from sudden electricty loss ?


Jan 13, 2017
Since I live in a crappy city where its pretty normal to have sudden electricity loss in the whole city or some parts.The thing that's worrying me the most here is it may come on/off like 5 times in 1 minute,of course I keep my PC off as long as it takes to make sure its stable again but I'm never 100% sure.

Can this realistically cause some real damage to the system and how often ? How good are modern PSU and other components of preventing this type of damage ? I'm planning to buy surge protector in a few weeks.

Maybe someone here knows a thing or two about PSU and other parts, if there is any kind of protection or something.

B650 Tomahawk
G.Skill 32GB
Corsair RM750X
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Generally it's not a problem when you have a competent PSU (and yours qualifies as such). Bigger problem in such case would be possible data loss/Windows corruption. Obviously best answer is UPS, and if power loss happens as often as you described it would be no brainer.
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Generally it's not a problem when you have a competent PSU (and yours qualifies as such). Bigger problem in such case would be possible data loss/Windows corruption. Obviously best answer is UPS, and if power loss happens as often as you described it would be no brainer.
Heres a thing,people tell me i should get UPS if i do a lot of data transfer and such (which i dont,i just do gaming and basic stuff like watching youtube,movies etc),and get surge protector instead for the problem i have.
I think the quality of your setup should compel you to invest in a UPS. We get maybe 4-5 power outs a year and my PC eats it with no problems yet, but your frequency of outages would concern me.
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I was building a new machine one time and I had connected my HDD when the power went off and before the HDD finished spinning down, the power came on again and went down for a couple of hours after that. It trashed my brand new HDD.

Since then I have changed my BIOS settings to NOT reboot after a power interruption. I just let it stay down, go make a sandwich and come back to it and reboot from that point.

Works for me.
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A working UPS will potentially save data loss for what you're working on at the moment (i.e. the document you're editing right now). A power interruption will cause you to loose this data - or if you're lucky the program save recovery data each 5. minute so to minimize the data lost.
I said lucky, because we never know if the OS file system truly have written all data to disk before interruption occur.

However - if the power interruption also includes seriously voltage spikes (yes, I've seen the effect of this in real life, real time) - then there is always a potential risk that components other than the PSU takes damage.
In this case, I'd advice using a actual backup using an external storage device, in order to be less prone to component failure, ransom ware, etc.

Forgot to mention: An UPS will function as a protection barrier against voltage spikes from main, so it's much better than nothing. But doesn't replace backup in any manner.
A working UPS will potentially save data loss for what you're working on at the moment (i.e. the document you're editing right now). A power interruption will cause you to loose this data - or if you're lucky the program save recovery data each 5. minute so to minimize the data lost.
I said lucky, because we never know if the OS file system truly have written all data to disk before interruption occur.

However - if the power interruption also includes seriously voltage spikes (yes, I've seen the effect of this in real life, real time) - then there is always a potential risk that components other than the PSU takes damage.
In this case, I'd advice using a actual backup using an external storage device, in order to be less prone to component failure, ransom ware, etc.

Forgot to mention: An UPS will function as a protection barrier against voltage spikes from main, so it's much better than nothing. But doesn't replace backup in any manner.
Which one would you recomm for my specs ? i dont want crappy nor expensive one,just good enough to keep my pc safe and give me enough time to power it off.My pc specs are in first post