Slightly new to PC building, had my PC for a little while now and the stock case fans were extremely loud, so I bought two Corsair AF140's and one SF120.
I made a small diagram on paint to show how I have placed them, but what sort of push/pull configuration (I don't even know if that's the right term) should I use?
Diagram: (mind my paint skills)
The reds are the two 140's, the blue is the single 120, I have no other fan slots to add more fans, these are the only 3, I also have a GPU (AMD 6870) with the fan pointing downwards like every other card. I've been told by a friend to make fan 2 blow on to my CPU cooler (an Arctic Freezer Pro 7), and make fan 3 blow out, while fan 1 should also be an intake fan, is that a good setup? I'm hoping someone on here can give me some more guidance, cheers.
I made a small diagram on paint to show how I have placed them, but what sort of push/pull configuration (I don't even know if that's the right term) should I use?
Diagram: (mind my paint skills)
The reds are the two 140's, the blue is the single 120, I have no other fan slots to add more fans, these are the only 3, I also have a GPU (AMD 6870) with the fan pointing downwards like every other card. I've been told by a friend to make fan 2 blow on to my CPU cooler (an Arctic Freezer Pro 7), and make fan 3 blow out, while fan 1 should also be an intake fan, is that a good setup? I'm hoping someone on here can give me some more guidance, cheers.