How to access all the ram on my graphics card

I too have a same query... my Card ATI 4850 has 512MB, but when i look into system it says 1720MBof virtual graphics RAM.

How do i access the full !
I have a rodeon 6850 1gb oc and i am only getting 700mb how can i access it all thanks.

play BC3 with everything crank. let me know if you have enough ?

I too have a same query... my Card ATI 4850 has 512MB, but when i look into system it says 1720MBof virtual graphics RAM.

That's exactly what it is, virtual. your card doesn't have enough so it loads on to the HD using the allocated space provided.
I suspect this is the memory that the system has reserved for video usage should it need it.The term reserved is a little wrong with Modern systems which is why the OS is important, under some it is actually reserved and under others its actually kind of marked but not used and is available to other tasks as long as its not needed for video work. It will take it back if it needs to but inst actually unavailable for other tasks.

Mactronix :)

As I said, with Radeon cards you can not see how much VRAM is being used. Afterburner, GPUZ, whatever else... you won't see the usage.

gpu-z 0.5.5 is showing it just fine for my hd5770 😀

edit: but I always knew my card was spechul.

You can see VRAM usage? Wow... what brand/model is your 5770? I was trying for a long time to find a way to view it with my 5850s and every thread I found said it can't be done.

asus eah5770 Cu Core, though it only says 'memory usage' but it has to be the vram since windows task manager isn't seeing it change and it depends on gpu load/usage..


Holy ******* *** balls. I can't believe it!!!! I updated to GPUZ 0.5.5 and I have a VRAM usage thing too! But the downside is it shows a lot less sensors, I'm missing VDDC Phase 1, 2, 3 temps, and current... but anyway. HOLY ***.

Ok I'm going to see if this works....

(Also, THANKS!!!)
I'm seriously in awe. I can't believe this works. SO ******* COOL.

Ok, so I started up BF3, the second level. I took this screenshot just before we hopped into the plane. It's a tad odd that it says 1818mb used considering I have 1gb cards, but my best guess right now is that it's counting 2gb as the total (even though we all know the usage is identical on each card). I'll have to add this to my GPU monitor if I can. So. Damn. Awesome!
