Question How to actually get 1gig download speed ?


May 22, 2012
Hello friends,

I am search for a way to actually get what I am paying for when it comes to internet speed. I have XFinity's
1 gigabit service but I am barely getting 275/300 download speed.

My equipment is:

Netgear CM1000 "Ultra High Speed Modem"
Netgear Nighthawk AC3200 Tri-Band Router.
Using high=end CAT 6 and CAT 7 cables

Both modem and router claim to support up to 1 gig download speed. Any thought or suggestions would be appreciated.

Check the paperwork provided by your carrier. Are you paying for GigaBYTE (GB) or GigaBIT (Gb) speed? The capitalization of the 'b' makes a difference.

The speed you are reporting here would seem to indicate that you are in fact getting exactly what you are paying for. You must also understand that you are not guaranteed the maximum speed 24/7, but only "up to" that maximum. It has always been this way.
Be careful how you are testing this. All the different speed test sites will give you different numbers. You will also see large variations if you choose different cities...the default selection tend to have the lowest latency but not always the best transfer speeds.

Try to test without the router plug directly into the modem. You likely will have to power cycle the modem every time you change what is plugged into it.

Do you have another pc you can test with. There sometimes is so called "gaming" network acceleration software installed on pc. It comes bundled with the bloatware that is with motherboards and video cards. You want to uninstall any software that claims to give preference to one kind of traffic over another. A very common name is cfosspeed.
Be careful how you are testing this. All the different speed test sites will give you different numbers. You will also see large variations if you choose different cities...the default selection tend to have the lowest latency but not always the best transfer speeds.

Try to test without the router plug directly into the modem. You likely will have to power cycle the modem every time you change what is plugged into it.

Do you have another pc you can test with. There sometimes is so called "gaming" network acceleration software installed on pc. It comes bundled with the bloatware that is with motherboards and video cards. You want to uninstall any software that claims to give preference to one kind of traffic over another. A very common name is cfosspeed.

I have tested this with 3 different laptops and they all avg the same, 275/300
Less so now, but 1 Gbps is 125 MB/s, and when such services were new, people's systems were the bottleneck in terms of storage and CPU speed.

On Wifi, 275/300 is not bad at all. The total speed would very much depend on the amount of WiFi saturation in the area, distance to the router, etc.

Over ethernet cable, that would be a disappointing result, but you do need to download from somewhere capable of delivering that much data at once.

Xfinity may have a per device limit set, while your total available bandwidth may be 1Gbps, you might need multiple devices downloading at the same time to get that result.
Xfinity only certify CM1000 up to 800Mbps

No idea why your speed is limited at 300Mbps though

Please make sure wifi is disabled when you are doing the testing.

The other possibility is the above mentioned "auto tuning" bug.

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Are you sure the idiots at spectrum did not put you on the wrong data plan.

This is where you always make sure the tech coming to your house can show you a speed test using his pc that meets the requirement before you let him leave. Then again if this was a upgrade you did without the tech coming out then you are dependent on someone at spectrum typing in the proper stuff on your account.

Do you actually have any issues other than the speed test number. For most houses you really don't need more than say 100mbps. Now I get that you paid for 1gbit and should get close to that but maybe this message that you should just call the ISP and tell them to drop the plan to 300mbps and save a bit of money.

Next step it to call the idiots up with the option to downgrade the plan in your back pocket if they won't help. I would be very sure to test with a pc plugged directly into the modem to avoid all the " have you rebooted your router", "have you checked that it is pluged in" etc etc.
Interesting on the 800Mbps limite, they may also have failed to provision your modem properly. That happened to me once. When I upgraded from 75Mbps to 250Mbps or something, it didn't take because I wasn't using the provided modem. I had to call them up to get it to the proper speed.

I did use a Netgear DOCSIS 3.1 modem/router rather than the Xfinity router.
You need to upgrade to a modern fully certified docsis 3.1 modem. Comcast uploads speed profiles to your modem, many of these modems don't have a proper profile to get the full speed profile. It may have been certified years ago for 800mbps, but in my experience, the profiles don't always work and you get 300-500mbps max. I've seen this with a few older netgear modems.

Here's a full list of recommended modems on Comcast. I recommend the Arris S33, it was rock solid on Comcast when I had it, and didn't run hot:

The CM1000v2 is listed as 949mbps, but perhaps you have the older v1 version which is not listed as compatible.

Personally I stay away from all modern Netgear products, I've had nothing but issues with their equipment due to poor software/firmware. Netgear is not what it used to be.
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I run 2 PC's with Ethernet and both have show in speed tests 265/310 mbs. So then I took 2 laptops that run WIFI and connected them to Ethernet and same results. So my service is showing 265/310. And, I used 3 different speed test options.

I will try new equipment as mine is about 6 years old (which based on the quality, shouldn't matter). But a call to Comcast wouldn't hurt either. Having them run tests on their equipment is a good idea.

Thank you everyone for your advice and support.
