How to Beat Turrets in Overwatch


May 23, 2016
Tjorborn and his auto aiming turrets that never miss can be a pain to try and deal with, in some matches he will pose so much of a problem that you'll have to switch to a hero who can counter him, and focus on him and his turrets alone while your team capitalizes on you removing that obstacle. How do you counter the hero who cannot miss though? Well, here's a few ways.

Step 1)Pick a hero to counter him.
The hero you pick can depend largely on where he has positioned his turret to cause your team the most grief. If there is a long range shot available to it, pick up Widowmaker. If you can't get direct line of sight to the turret, maybe try Junkrat to bounce shots into it. Pharah can be good to approach it from a different angle, and her rockets will do more damage to the turret than he can repair, and if he's trying to repair it then he'll probably be taking damage from your rockets as well. Good chance you can take him and his turret out at the same time.


Step 2)Communicate with your team that he or his turret are down.
Really, you should be communicating with your team as much as possible in the first place, but this is very important to let them know when you have taken him out. That will be their queue to capitalize on the opening and apply pressure to the object his turrets were blocking before, and can be what spells victory for your team.


Step 3)Focus on Tjorborn, not his turrets.
Tjorborn can heal his turrets, if you are doing single target damage to the turret alone, there is a good chance he can patch it up while it rips you apart. Always kill him first, and he can't fix the turret. This makes it very easy to bring the turret down once he is taken care of, but since the turret is what causes all the damage, many players will focus on it rather than him.


That should do it, the main goal here is to negate him and his turrets for long enough for the rest of your team to move in on the objectives, don't lose sight of your goals and you can achieve victory even against a good Tjorborn.