How to Block uTorrent's P2P Network?


May 29, 2017
Hello. So I've been noticing a significant decrease in our Internet connection is the past 2-3 months. I did all sorts of troubleshooting, even called our ISP and nothing helped with it. So just a few days later, I discovered that my sister have been installing pirated games and movies using uTorrent, so I suspect that P2P might be the reason for this.

How do I prevent this? I don't have access to my sister's PC, can't talk to her as she will probably just ignore me and deny it, and when I go to my web-based router settings, it only lets me adjust basic settings specifically just for the wifi.
There are two solutions:
- Technical - a better router with "traffic" shaping
- Human - your parents should know what your sister is doing. Installing pirated software is the best way for spreading viruses, and there's good chance her PC is already compromise.d
There are two solutions:
- Technical - a better router with "traffic" shaping
- Human - your parents should know what your sister is doing. Installing pirated software is the best way for spreading viruses, and there's good chance her PC is already compromise.d
You can always try to find examples one of the many cease and desist letter that the RIAA sends out. You could do a little photo shop editing and pretend it came in the mail. Your parents would likely freak out....the RIAA does not mess around if you actually get one of those and you don't stop immediately they do file court cases. We used to get them all the time where I worked and people used work internet to do this.....most these people lost there job trying to get "free" movies.

Torrent is one of the harder ones to stop. You would first need a router with some form of firewall. You could limit traffic to only http/https which would stop some of it. If she was hard core she would then just move to vpn. You could limit the maximum bandwidth she can use but to be effective you likely would have to limit it so low that things like netflix and youtube did not work well.


The easiest thing would be to block the addy/IP in your router that she is using to access the torrent list. Keep in mind that simple proxy methods will override this.

I had one heck of a time blocking internet sites from my kids years ago due to the fact that they know how to use Google, etc as proxy to get where they want.

Another method would be much along the lines of what bill is suggesting. Change her OoS downward, or put a file size limitation, bandwidth limitation on her IP such that it makes it too slow to dl and times out all the time.

If you wanted to go fully white hat, get with the 'rents with the suggestion of what is going on to get them to lock her down, or contact ISP and block access on their end. Of no doubt your ISP is and will throttle your connection based on suspected torrenting.


Damage control:
1. Her PC is almost certainly virused up

2. Other devices on your LAN are also vulnerable.

This absolutely needs your parents involvement. Toss some words like "illegal", "fines", and " ransomware" at them.
And that traffic needs to be killed off at the border. In the router.