How to change default hard drive for installing software?


Jun 25, 2016
I've got a small SSD drive for my operating system, and a large hard drive for programs. Yet many programs have already been installed on the small SSD, and I'd like to change the default installation folder.

This thread describes the general procedure, and I wonder the line that says %ProgramFiles% should that also be changed into the straightforward "D:\Program Files"?

This is how my registry looks:


That comment at the end of that thread is exactly like doing it yourself. You'd have to do that for every individual application.

And as I personally commented in that thread..."I recommend strongly against doing that registry change. "
DO NOT DO THIS. Some things WILL die if you try to force them to be elsewhere.

Just take control of what you do, and when you install something, select Custom or Advanced. Most (but not all) applications allow you to choose the drive or folder where it goes.

How "small" is this SSD? Applications generally aren't that large.
What really takes up space is music, video, and games. All easily installed elsewhere.
No registry foolish needed.

I know, I know. It was the reason why my SSD is already filling up. I am using a shared computer and often times things wind up on the wrong hard drive. It's the main reason I'd like the default installation hard drive changed.
That comment at the end of that thread is exactly like doing it yourself. You'd have to do that for every individual application.

And as I personally commented in that thread..."I recommend strongly against doing that registry change. "