How to change Forum Theme

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Win 11 Master
As you probably already noticed, the default theme for Tom's has changed.
There is also a dark theme
To access it,
1. go to the Settings screen

2. Click on the Styles Box & CLick the Toms Dark

3. And then click save
Forums will swap to Dark theme.
To swap back, just repeat step 1 and choose Toms Hardware
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There were several forum styles other than the "Tom's Hardware" ones available, can't remember exactly what they were called. The recent update which added the dark theme seems to have removed these other themes. Was this on purpose, and if so, why?

Edit: I think the themes I'm referring to may have been called "Modern UI".
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yeah, just noticed, my favorite ones too. not tom's, don't like them, now i am forced to live with their dark theme
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