[SOLVED] How to Change Re-taskable Audio Port from Line In to Microphone


Nov 23, 2014

I realize that this question may be considered off topic for this forum but I'm desperate to fix this problem and have been unable to get help anywhere else so I hope no one minds.

I have an Windows 10 HP Desktop (product # Y1B39AV) which has builtin Synaptics sound (no sound card) and 1 audio input jack on the back (HP calls it re-taskable) that can function as either a Mic or Line In jack. I've been using it for a microphone but all of a sudden the sound that comes through is barely audible.

It appears that Windows has decided that the input jack is Line In instead of Mic. That would explain the barely audible sound. Also in Audacity there used to be a Microphone input but now it shows only Line In, and when I poke around in Windows I see Line In input but no Mic.

The problem is that I don't know how to to switch it back to Mic. HP hasn't helped and at other places I've posted no one has even responded. Can anyone tell me how to switch the input back to Mic?

Any help would be appreciated.

I found the solution. First unplug anything plugged into the audio input jack. Then click on the blue and white HP tray icon, and then on the pop-up menu click Audio Control Panel. When the panel appears click Restore. When you plug in a microphone or Line In device into the audio input jack you're prompted to select the type of the device.

I thought that was an excellent idea but it had no effect. Audacity still shows the Line In input but no Mic. The same is true in Manage Sound Devices under Settings, and in Audio inputs and outputs in the Device Manager. Just as before the only place I see an external mic is in the Control Panel, under Hardware and Sound, Manage audio devices, in the Sound dialog box under the Recording tab. That shows an External Microphone entry but it is marked Currently Unavailable and there's nothing to do there to change that.

Any other ideas?

Can anyone provide any additional suggestions on how to fix this? I've scoured the web and found nothing. I'm getting close to buying a sound card but I hate to waste money when there should be a non-cash solution available.

I found the solution. First unplug anything plugged into the audio input jack. Then click on the blue and white HP tray icon, and then on the pop-up menu click Audio Control Panel. When the panel appears click Restore. When you plug in a microphone or Line In device into the audio input jack you're prompted to select the type of the device.
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