Question How to completely reset the Microsoft Seach/Indexing

Balic Blackthorn

Feb 21, 2016
I recently cloned my OS drive onto a larger one as an upgrade, then changed that to be my boot disk. I have everything running fine EXCEPT when I search for documents via the start menu search, it keeps bringing up my old drive (which I WAS keeping for a backup). I tried rebuilding the index multiple times, and even went so far as to wipe the other disk so it CAN'T bring up the old files, but it still does (in that the file path is still to the old drive, not the CURRENT C drive).

Is there some way I can fix this? It's not mission critical, but bloody annoying. Thanks.


I recently cloned my OS drive onto a larger one as an upgrade, then changed that to be my boot disk. I have everything running fine EXCEPT when I search for documents via the start menu search, it keeps bringing up my old drive (which I WAS keeping for a backup). I tried rebuilding the index multiple times, and even went so far as to wipe the other disk so it CAN'T bring up the old files, but it still does (in that the file path is still to the old drive, not the CURRENT C drive).

Is there some way I can fix this? It's not mission critical, but bloody annoying. Thanks.
It looks like you did something wrong in the clone process.

Done correctly, whatever was on the original Source drive ends up on the Target drive.
Same path, same folders, same search, everything.

The old C drive should net even be connected.