How to connect a 2009 xbox 360 elite to the internet?


Nov 30, 2013
Hi, i want to connect my xbox 360 to play online games.but i dont know how to. i heard that there is no inbuilt wi-fi adapter in this console.will a normal adapter that is used in computers work on the xbox 360.if this doesnt work please tell me a way to get my console online using a wired connection.Thanks.
The Xbox 360 has built in Wi-Fi. I do recommend getting online as soon as possible, they're offering free games if you have a gold membership both for your future library when upgrading to Xbox One, as well as a seperate list of free games for your Xbox 360.
the elite models came with wifi built in. so it should be as easy as going into the settings and telling it what wifi signal to use.

if it does not work then one of the adapters microsoft sells (what megeman posted) is the other option assuming your not close enough to the router to plug in via ethernet.

i have seen these adapters in used stores for pretty cheap these days. can save a few bucks if you happen to have a used game store near you.