Question How to connect mismatched motherboard USB headers to case front USB I\O ?

Feb 11, 2025
The MSI MAG 650 Tomahawk motherboard I'm going with has 4 x USB 2.0 Front Headers and 2 x USB 5 Gig Front headers. The Lian Li 011 Dynamic Evo XL case that I am going to use has 4 x 3.0 USB ports on the front.

Someone, somewhere posted about how to use the four USB ports when one only has 2 such headers.
A converter cable(2) from the 2.0 headers or a splitter cable(s) from the 5 gig headers? I can't remember.

For reasons I won't go into, I really need the 4 front USB ports and I am about ready to order parts for my build. Your help is appreciated.
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First, the 20pin connector on the motherboard will conform to the front panel 20pin connector stemming from the case, so that leaves two on the table/front panel to deal with. Second, if you're asking on how to adapt the USB2.0 header on your motherboard to an USB3.0 connector, you will need something like this:
According to the manual for that motherboard, it comes with a header for USB 3.0, a header for USB 2.0 and a header for USB C. (I haven't used the correct terms strictly speaking, but USB is a confusing mess now so I'm going with how people actually think of them.)

You can use the 3.0 header for two of the 3.0 front ports. You can get a splitter cable to supposedly allow it to drive all four ports. There are various options out there but they all seem to be a bit hit and miss in terms of how well they work.

You can get a 2.0 header to 3.0 ports as suggested above, but of course this means two of the ports will now be 2.0 only, so you need to be sure that's not going to cause any issues for you.

You can get a cable to convert a C header into a 3.0 header to allow that header to drive your other two ports, but you then lose the ability to drive the C port on the front of your case.

Or you can get an internal PCIe x1 to USB 3.0 header card so you can have full USB 3.0 on all four front ports plus the USB C front port, if you didn't have other plans for the PCIe x1 slot in your motherboard and are happy to pay the extra. (You can use the second PCIe x16 slot of course, if you need to and your graphics card doesn't get in the way.)

Plenty of options. I can't vouch for anything I linked to, they're just examples.
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