How to connect multiple PS3 controllers to my P.C.?


Feb 24, 2013
I have 2 PS3 controllers. Can I connect them to 1 Bluetooth Dongle? Is it possible to use them on PCSX2?


Motioninjoy supports connecting a PS3 controller through the use of a blue tooth dongle (as long as it has EDR support I believe). Unfortunately it is not possible to do it with multiple ones but you could probably do it with one wired and the other wireless.

Oh and I've never used PCSX2 so I'm not sure. I guess it depends on it's controller plugin. Most emulators I've used (such as project 64 using n-rage input plugin) support controllers fine. (btw betterds3 is an alternative to motioninjoy after you install the drivers needed for the controller)


I remember reading in the FAQ (the main site is down for some reason so I can't go look) that only one bluetooth dongle can be plugged into the computer and no other bluetooth devices can be used besides the controller itself. Although the wording didn't imply that you couldn't run multiple controllers at once on the same adapter now that I think about it. It may actually be possible to do so.