how to controll my fan speed


Jul 3, 2016
i bought a pc about a year ago and i noticed after my first use it made alot of noise it didnt really bother me then but now it annoys em sometimes so i want to controll my fan speed but it doesnt work i tried : speedfan (programm) to controll it but didnt work any tips? how i get it to work? or a programm that will work?

i let a bussiness company put it together for me and im not really advanced with cooling and stuf
It may not be possible to control fan speeds with the motherboard you have. Some can only be controlled from the BIOS. It all depends. We need more information about your set up before a definite answer can be given. If your motherboard does not allow for you to change fan speeds you can purchase a physical fan controller, almost all of them fit into an empty 5.25" bay and simply require power and your fans to connect to it rather than the CPU fan pins on your motherboard.
It may not be possible to control fan speeds with the motherboard you have. Some can only be controlled from the BIOS. It all depends. We need more information about your set up before a definite answer can be given. If your motherboard does not allow for you to change fan speeds you can purchase a physical fan controller, almost all of them fit into an empty 5.25" bay and simply require power and your fans to connect to it rather than the CPU fan pins on your motherboard.