I know this topic has been asked multiple times before, but my situation seems different then all the snobs who expect their parents to buy them 1000$+ machines "because I know they have the money". I currently have an old laptop that I share with my mom and brother, it basically stands in place of a family desktop. At one point it was a pretty nice machine, but the same can't be said now. I often use it for school and I sometimes try gaming on it. At this point I often find it difficult to type papers because the built in keyboard it very hit or miss, and if I have too many tabs open it lags just on Google docs. When ever I complain about the computer, they often deny slowness of the computer. Then a few hours later they tell me to fix the computer and ask why it's running so slow. I want to show them the PC that I want to build http://. I have 500$ How do I prove to them that this is worth the investment and the upgrade from the old laptop is worth it?