How to Convince my Parents to let me build a Gaming PC


Jan 20, 2016
I know this topic has been asked multiple times before, but my situation seems different then all the snobs who expect their parents to buy them 1000$+ machines "because I know they have the money". I currently have an old laptop that I share with my mom and brother, it basically stands in place of a family desktop. At one point it was a pretty nice machine, but the same can't be said now. I often use it for school and I sometimes try gaming on it. At this point I often find it difficult to type papers because the built in keyboard it very hit or miss, and if I have too many tabs open it lags just on Google docs. When ever I complain about the computer, they often deny slowness of the computer. Then a few hours later they tell me to fix the computer and ask why it's running so slow. I want to show them the PC that I want to build http://. I have 500$ How do I prove to them that this is worth the investment and the upgrade from the old laptop is worth it?
The build you created will be around $800, right? Assuming you're a teen, are you trying to figure out how to ask your parents for the rest of the money to build the system? Otherwise, if you managed to save up around $500... why would you need permission to save up another $300 and build it yourself?

Sometimes the best approach.... is the direct approach. Just print out a listing of everything... and show it to mom and dad. Tell them you have X Amount of money and ask if they're willing to put up another X Amount so you could build a system. The worse that could happen is them saying no.

If that happens... just continue saving up and when you have enough money... run to Staples or the grocery store... and pick up some Amazon...
Well, don't tell them you're building a gaming computer, for starters. You're going to ruin any progress you made in convincing them. It's not even for work, why should I get it? You know what I mean, right?

Here's some ways to do it:
1) Hilariously, you could respond to them "Well, I thought you said the computer wasn't slow?". Just imagine their reaction... 😀 Well, they have none because you're merely stating the truth.
2) If you're in high school, get into a 3D modeling or video editing class. At this point, it WILL require some 8 cores or 16 GB RAM to run without lagging anything too badly. The laptop won't do. Now you'll need a new computer, and they can't really say no.
The build you created will be around $800, right? Assuming you're a teen, are you trying to figure out how to ask your parents for the rest of the money to build the system? Otherwise, if you managed to save up around $500... why would you need permission to save up another $300 and build it yourself?

Sometimes the best approach.... is the direct approach. Just print out a listing of everything... and show it to mom and dad. Tell them you have X Amount of money and ask if they're willing to put up another X Amount so you could build a system. The worse that could happen is them saying no.

If that happens... just continue saving up and when you have enough money... run to Staples or the grocery store... and pick up some Amazon pre-paid cards.. add them to the account you create... and order the parts yourself. When I was a kid (1980's), I wanted Camera system since I was into photography and knew my parents wouldn't really order the stuff for me. So I just simply did it myself with COD orders. Now, kids could just use gift cards to order online... so much easier.