Question How to determine if MOBO is faulty

Sep 5, 2024
My computer shutdowns randomly when browsing. I reinstall the windows still happens, so I think it's not a software issue. I tried to remove gpu and use the igpu. I swapped the hard drives with other drives. I also tried swapping out the psu and still has the issue. The things I suspecting is cpu, motherboard, and ram. Which one do you think is faulty?

Also, I touched the heatsink of chipset and it's hot, but I checked the temps on hwinfo and hwmonitor and it's 30-40 °C. I replaced the thermal paste of the heatsink and it's still hot


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

I reinstall the windows still happens
Where did you source the installer for the OS?

How to determine if MOBO is faulty
A number of things, actually. Blown or bulging capacitors. Failure to POST or go past the BIOS splash screen. If all your parts work on another known working motherboard, then you've ruled out that your motherboard is the culprit.
Sep 5, 2024
CPU: Intel I3-4160
CPU cooler: Inplay Cooler
Motherboard: Asrock H81M-HDS BIOS version 2.10
Ram: 2xKingston 4gb
SSD/HDD: Hikvision C100 250gb
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT 730
PSU: Inplay GS450pro almost 3 years
Chassis: Inplay
OS: Windows 10 home
Monitor: Lenovo LI2021

Where did you source the installer for the OS?
I download in microsoft website and make a bootable drive

I don't have spare motherboard to test it out. I plan to replace the faulty one but I'm not sure which part should I replace
CPU: Intel I3-4160
CPU cooler: Inplay Cooler
Motherboard: Asrock H81M-HDS BIOS version 2.10
Ram: 2xKingston 4gb
SSD/HDD: Hikvision C100 250gb
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT 730
PSU: Inplay GS450pro almost 3 years
Chassis: Inplay
OS: Windows 10 home
Monitor: Lenovo LI2021

Where did you source the installer for the OS?
I download in microsoft website and make a bootable drive

I don't have spare motherboard to test it out. I plan to replace the faulty one but I'm not sure which part should I replace
First thing to do with problems like this is to reset CMOS. If that fixes it then something was configured wrong in BIOS settings.

If that doesn't work, remove one of the RAM sticks and try the system with only one, in each DIMM socket. Now try the other RAM stick in each DIMM socket. If only one of the RAM stick shows the same problem then it's probably defective.

If each of the RAM sticks shows the same problem but only in one of the sockets it's either the motherboard or the CPU. At this point it's probably more practical to replace both since CPU and mobo are usually a good price as a combo deal and this is a pretty old system.
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Sep 5, 2024
First thing to do with problems like this is to reset CMOS. If that fixes it then something was configured wrong in BIOS settings.

If that doesn't work, remove one of the RAM sticks and try the system with only one, in each DIMM socket. Now try the other RAM stick in each DIMM socket. If only one of the RAM stick shows the same problem then it's probably defective.

If each of the RAM sticks shows the same problem but only in one of the sockets it's either the motherboard or the CPU. At this point it's probably more practical to replace both since CPU and mobo are usually a good price as a combo deal and this is a pretty old system.
I've already done reseting BIOS and the RAM thing, so I think it's probably the CPU or the mobo. Thanks for the help. Also, I don't have a budget to replace both parts but I appreciate your suggestion.
I've already done reseting BIOS and the RAM thing, so I think it's probably the CPU or the mobo. Thanks for the help. Also, I don't have a budget to replace both parts but I appreciate your suggestion.
So...what were the indications? Because another condition I didn't mention is if shows the problem with either RAM in either DIMM socket. That would suggest either BOTH RAM's, BOTH DIMM sockets (i.e., motherboard) or BOTH CPU memory channels failed simultaneously, which is pretty seriously unlikely.

Windows setup is a likely candidate but you've re-installed it: did you do a CLEAN install? or a repair install? A CLEAN install re-formats the system drive partitions with all data on them lost. If you did a repair install last time then backup whatever data you want to save on the system drive partitions and do another clean install of windows.

It could be something defective on the motherboard or in the CPU but it's hard to troubleshoot and isolate things further without at least a known-good identical CPU to swap in to test with. If you have a known good drive, even an old SATA hard drive or whatever, try removing your current system drive and install Windows using that drive instead to see if the drive is a source of problems.
Sep 5, 2024
So...what were the indications? Because another condition I didn't mention is if shows the problem with either RAM in either DIMM socket. That would suggest either BOTH RAM's, BOTH DIMM sockets (i.e., motherboard) or BOTH CPU memory channels failed simultaneously, which is pretty seriously unlikely.

Windows setup is a likely candidate but you've re-installed it: did you do a CLEAN install? or a repair install? A CLEAN install re-formats the system drive partitions with all data on them lost. If you did a repair install last time then backup whatever data you want to save on the system drive partitions and do another clean install of windows.

It could be something defective on the motherboard or in the CPU but it's hard to troubleshoot and isolate things further without at least a known-good identical CPU to swap in to test with. If you have a known good drive, even an old SATA hard drive or whatever, try removing your current system drive and install Windows using that drive instead to see if the drive is a source of problems.
I've put RAM 1 on DIMM 1 then DIMM 2, then I tried RAM 2 on DIMM1 and DIMM2, and the issue still occurs on every setup

I did clean install, I formatted my drive and install windows, I also tried swapping out the drives with my old HDD and the issue is still there.
My computer shutdowns randomly when browsing.
The things I suspecting is cpu, motherboard, and ram.
Which one do you think is faulty?
Is it shutdown or restart?
Shutdown usually is caused by cpu overheating or psu protections kicking in or simply a bad psu.

Restart is usually result of BSOD. Can be caused by multitude of reasons.
You turn off auto restart on system failure in windows options and read info provided by BSOD.

CPU cooler: Inplay Cooler
What exactly is that thing? Can you provide link or photo of the product?